ArtfulCat Media Design und Entwicklung
Dein Sprung in die Zukunft – kraftvoll | spannend | anders
The man who carried off the mountain was the same one who started carrying away small stones.
~ Chinesisches Sprichwort
Already we start with our teamwork! As soon as we have all the necessary information about your wishes and goals, our team sits down and sets out together to develop the concept. Always the goal in mind to make your appearance authentic on the outside.
A creative team, lots of innovative ideas!
In an intensive conversation, your needs, your wishes, your goals and your requirements are analyzed. We show you suitable possibilities and create a tailor-made concept from them.
For your optimal website!
A mock-up will be created from your ideas, wishes and requirements, showing the structure of your future website. This is the process of planning and building the elements of your website. This is where content, images, colors, fonts and graphics are taken into account.
Structured to your needs!
Now it’s time for the actual web development! The mockup of your web design will now be translated into programming language so that it can be displayed on the Internet. This is how your website becomes functional. With a lot of technical and creative skills, we create your website and place particular emphasis on user-friendliness.
Clearly presented options for your users!
The task of graphic design is to present your comprehensive ideas, ideals, even your own philosophy „figuratively“! The visual representation of your deserts and goals leaves a lasting impact. What impression do you want to leave on your target audience? What do you want to share? We are happy to support and advise you.
We construct your „representation“!
With the help of typography, image editing and color design, we give your website an optimal visual exterior representation.
„A personal visual language!“
The optimization of website content is more than just a trend. Content optimization for SEO increases your visibility. Content must be informative, interesting, relevant and unique. In addition, they should always be adapted to your individual requirements. We are happy to advise you.
An optimization of your content!
The power of the written word and its visibility on the net must not be overlooked. However, it is important to write authentic content that suits your personality and your target group. What „language“ do you want to use? Business, commercial? Conservative, personal, factual or purely informative? How should your content affect the user? We are happy to support and advise you on your choice.
To your personal language!
The graphical structure of a „responsive“ website is based on the requirements of the respective device. In other words, the knowledge of your target group and their devices is crucial for optimal implementation and the best possible customer benefit. Which is the device of choice for your target group? The PC, in the business area? Or is your target audience more likely to use the mobile area, smartphone?
We focus on your target group!
In the case of responsive web design, the website is created in terms of design and technology in such a way that it can react to the characteristics of the device used in question and its browser. This ensures optimal use on smartphones, tablets, computers, notebooks even on compatible TV devices.
The ideal user experience!
Mahatma Gandhi
©Webagentur Artfulcat – Design | Media Design und Entwicklung